
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

I hope I can catch you

One steps, two steps, three steps, come to me my pretty rainbow

Once, I believing in you. Now, I believing in life.

TwentySix. Every breath I take, every smile I make, every tears I drop, it makes me realize how beautiful the world around me.

Ada masanya aku hanya mahu sendiri. Cuma aku dengan alam. Bersenggama, berdua. Cuma aku dan alam

I wish you were mine. All mine. Because I intent to love things that are not mine. I wish you were mine.

Biarkan aku layu tidak berpetik, asalkan aku tidak layu dijentik

Jalan, jalan sampai tak ada tanah untuk dipijak, tak ada laut untuk dikuak dan tak ada udara untuk dihirup. Jalan sampai jasad bercantum dengan bumi.

Kawan yang tak pernah mengecewakan

Sometimes you need to come out from your crust and see the world, with or without a person next to you.

Saya, awak, dia, mereka, kamu, kita, semua akan mati

I’m Sally from Night Before Christmas. I was created by a crazy-mental-short circuit Doctor Finklestein and he used to lock me under the basement away from outside world. But now after I poisoned him with my self-made-potion, I’m free and looking for my long lost soul, Jack The Skellington.
Do you happen to know him?

Kicek is looking for someone that is so generous to bail his big brother out from jail.. In return Kicek will protect the person as he is a proud owner of black belt in Taekwando.

Yes. I want to humiliate myself over and over again in front of the public. I need to build up my own courage by doing things that I fear the most.
Photo by Duraath (Link)